Surfed Harbor this morning 7:15. Filming sweet glassy lines with sweet guys, want more?
Meet a guy at 10:00 his name is Wade and he's a great artist. Painting on boards, wood, canevas. The jungle view of the ocean wherever it is\beautiful polynesian girls\perfect point break.
He said surfing&painting is just as the ying&the yang. I always thought that the ying&the yang was a horrible symbol but in his lines it sounded so good! I loved his point of view on many things and his way to explain them to me.
To all the questions, We had unexpected answers.
I liked also his beautiful old voice. He seemed to be one of those who lived the 70's as wild as they were. I don't know. I can tell even though he never mentionned anything about it, apart from starting surfing in the 60's whe he was 5.
Apple juice with some friends.
Surfed swamies during the peak of the sunset- amazing.
Love life. Live life. Learn from life. Live your life.
WADE KONIAKOWSKY, it worth it to have a look:
Listen to his toughts on art&surf in our movie ANewWave coming out next august